Messages of Support

Messages of Support

Messages of Support may also be sent through to Donna George. Email to be read out at night to the riders an...

Tuesday, 12 September 2017

Day 5 - Cowra to Parkes

The morning started with the Support Crew cooking an awesome breakfast again for everyone and then it was time to jump on their bikes and start for the day.

Team Harry led the way today and first stop was Gooloogong Public School where 16 kids were so excited to see all the riders and support crew arrive.  Often when the riders get to Schools the kids form a guard of honour but today the riders and support crew formed one for the kids – there were high fives all round and everyone had a massive smile on their face.

The kids got to see and touch all the bikes before going inside to see the Puppet Show.  When this was over, they were on their bikes again and headed to Eugowra where the CWA Ladies had a massive feast of pies, sausage rolls, hot chips and homemade cakes awaiting everyone.  Such lovely ladies and so friendly and welcoming.  As we spoke to the ladies, all the kids from the Eugowra Public School (all 20 of them) came across the road and had a $2.00 coin from each of them for Camp Quality.  They spent the next 20 minutes chatting to all the riders and support crew – it was so nice to see them.  When they were asking questions, one little girl said to Shari “Are you proud of what you do”?   Another one asked Fatty “how often do you need to go to the toilet”?   Another little one who found out Simon's nickname was "Nugget" said "my mum's chicken is called "Nugget"

With a big Thank You to the CWA, they were on their bikes and off again heading to Parkes to go to the Nurture One Pre-School.   The tiny kids are so much fun and some of the questions they ask are hilarious.

Following the Puppet Show at the Pre-School, they jumped on their bikes again to make their way around to the Coachman Hotel Motel where we were staying for the night to start nice cool showers, massages and rest time before we gather at 5.00 p.m. for Fun Therapy.   It's been so warm today (27 degrees) - quiet contrary to yesterday when we were washing ice off the windscreens !

The lovely people at our accommodation served us all up a yummy baked dinner, we played a funny play dough game for Fun Therapy with Team On Road Yellow taking out the bragging rights.  

Jersey winners tonight:

Rider's Joker Jersey - Warney for stopping in the middle of the road to fix his chain when it came off, for falling off his bike at the School
Rider's King of Mountain - Rose for just recently completely cancer treatment, still suffer the after effects of it, but never complaining and still riding every day.
Rider's Most Supportive - Richo for helping all day with case backs, for riding in the wind in the front and for having the best temperament and attitude.
Support Crew Most Supportive - Big G for looking after the rider's safety so well and for all the work he and Sue do for Camp Quality all year round, not just at Ride time.
Support Crew Joker Jersey - Davey for the Grinder prank.

There is currently a three way tie between Team Subtilis, Team Harry and Team Glencore.  Team Glencore will lead out tomorrow.

Tonight we had a special guest appearance (one night only) from the old Fine Master, Brian Fulmer.  Everyone wanted to fine Big G, but Big G quickly reminded us that there were still another 5 days after Brian's guest appearance that he could get back at people!

Cody was fined for missing an appointment with the Massage people.
Ian was fined for "passing the buck"
Ross and Bruce were fined for being the only two riders who were attacked by Magpies.
Meady was fined for falling off the top bunk of the Love Bus
Hodgy was fined for falling asleep at the Preschool
Doc Bec was fined for being the worst driver ever on the Ride
Ged was given IMMUNITY for one day because the Fine Master thinks he has been picked on !

Well another day draws to an end.   It is very squishy accommodation tonight with all riders crammed intio rooms and 15 support crew members all sleeping on blow ups in the Function Room - lets hope the snoring doesn't get too loud.

Until tomorrow,